Principal: Substantial Mediterranean (Europe) container terminal
Project Overview
Following up on an earlier project conducted in 2021, Dynamar was approached by the Principal, Substantial Mediterranean (Europe) container terminal, in late 2023 to provide a comprehensive update in light of various market and other developments. This full-scale update involved revisiting every aspect of the original project, subjecting each to thorough due diligence and currency verification.

The updated project included:
- Annual Trade Capacity Analysis: Re-evaluating trade capacity with current data.
- Comparative Analysis: Updating comparisons of market factors and port performance.
- Network Modelling: Revisiting and refining network models based on new data.
- Qualitative Analysis: Incorporating recent qualitative insights.
- Forecasts and Projections: Updating economic and market forecasts
Dynamar’s approach involved thorough data collection, processing, and presentation, ensuring all updates were accurate and current. The resulting comprehensive report was presented to the financing institutions supporting the Principal’s terminal expansion project, providing critical insights and updated information.
This update reinforced the Principal’s strategy and provided the necessary data to secure financial backing for their terminal expansion.