East and Southern Africa Container Trades 2023


East and Southern Africa Container Trades 2023 – PDF € 1.165,-

Dynamar has recently released the seventh edition of its highly successful biennial analysis of the East and Southern African Container Trades. The latest edition provides a comprehensive analysis of a region with great trading and economic potential. Building on the success of the previous releases, with each successive edition having seen numerous changes in participants, ports, cargoes and container handlings, the need to be at the forefront of developments across this exciting region is demonstrated once again.

This is a trade full of contrasts, incorporating some twenty-three countries or territories within the region covering regional economic powerhouses, maritime and trading hubs and fast growing developing countries throughout Southern Africa, East Africa and the Indian Ocean Islands. Continuing the trend from previous editions, Southern Africa continues to be the dominant aspect of this composite region. However, slowly but surely, the centre of gravity is moving towards East Africa whose GDP and trading activities are growing more strongly and reducing this deficit.

The publication is introduced by a comprehensive review of the developments, comings and goings of the carriers followed by the respective carrier profiles, comprising the latest data available on fleets, trade capacities and services and much more. The following section provides an in-depth analysis of the container services linking East Africa with the rest of the world on a region-by-region basis. Further chapters are dedicated to the deployed fleet across these services, the container carryings by trade lane and the commodities that contribute to this dynamic trade. The publication concludes with profiles of the ports called in the region, including TEUs handled per port, trade capacities, key developments and an overview of the background at each port.

With the extensive coverage and cutting-edge insight and analysis that this publication provides, it is a must-read for anyone involved in the shipping and logistics industry of the region itself and beyond.

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