The West Africa Container Trades 2024

The West Africa container trades certainly seem to be on the up. With economies growing strongly, and expected to continue doing so, and an even faster growing population, the potential for this resource rich region is huge. Over the past decade, the West Africa container infrastructure has also seen substantial development. New container terminals have come online able to handle all but the very largest of containerships.

This in turn has changed how West Africa is being served by the carriers, over and above the deployment of larger ships. This is not only with the evolution of a local sophisticated hub and spoke system but also a change in the emphasis of the intercontinental shipping services. Traditional markets are still connected, but increasingly by relay services. Newer markets are growing and coming to the fore.

The new 2024 release comprehensively updates the analyses found in the previous studies, including:

  • Each shipping line offering container shipping services to, from and within West Africa is surveyed and profiled: their history, involvement in West Africa, which trades they offer and which West Africa ports they call.
  • Thereafter, each trade is detailed by service, carrier, ports called with a more detailed look at how much Annual Trade Capacity the carriers push through each West Africa port.
  • A qualitative analysis is undertaken of the various West Africa ports called, their development and projects, and which carriers call these ports and which trades do they offer connections with.


There is also a range of supporting data as containerised carryings, port throughputs, national and regional GDP, merchandise trade and population statistics. Finally, each country is the subject of its own potted history to provide further context to this fascinating part of the world..

Download the Table of Contents of The West Africa Container Trades 2024

Dynamar‘s latest edition of The West Africa Container Trades is a full survey of the trade and its context. Through Dynamar’s Annual Trade Capacity analyses, it compares carriers, ports, services and trade lanes. You can see which carrier goes where, which port is called by which carrier, and how the trades have evolved over time. Context is provided by qualitative profiles of carriers, ports and countries, with data on port throughputs, cargoes, economies and merchandise trade. It delivers consultancy quality insight at an off-the-shelf price. It is a must read for anyone interested in shipping containers to and from West Africa.

The West Africa Container Trade 2024 – PDF €1.165,- 

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