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Posing the question is answering it. Our company policy is that all information is handled with the strictest of confidences. We cannot over-emphasize this point. Dynamar does not reveal the names of its clients or its information sources. We are well aware of the sensitivity of information divulged to us and the impact it can have on our client or the subject that we report on. Additionally, we do not disclose information from unsecure/unreliable sources unless it has been verified.

Dynamar B.V. prides itself on the thorough research and analysis that is undertaken prior to writing its reports. We have an exclusive in-house formula, based on our over 40 years experience and developed with utmost care, that is mandatorily used by all analysts to assist in deriving the credit rating of a particular company. The actual rating is always decided upon by minimum two analysts. This formula has proven itself as a reliable tool that has ensured that our ratings are consistent.

All our Business Information Reports are thoroughly edited by a senior analyst. The research process, supporting documentation, information sources, analysis of information, reference sources, structure and flow of the report are all checked prior to delivery to the client and posting of the report in our online database.

Dynamar Business Information Reports have been designed to provide companies in all sectors of the shipping and transportation industry with an invaluable decision making tool when undertaking business decisions that involve trade risk.

Whatever delivery is made -bunkers, dunnage, equipment (lease), financing, lashing, lubricants, paint, port dues, spare parts, (bonded) stores, and the like- or service is rendered -agency, cargo handling, clearance, consultancy, crewing, insurance, and so on- your responsible manager needs to be sure that the bill can be paid; how high and long a credit should be extended.

There is (much) more: shipowners want to prevent any risk of charter hire arrears and desire to know the prospective charterer of their ship(s) inside-out – operators need to check the performance of the vessel they want to hire and of her owner – shippers must ensure that the carrier will be able to perform the voyage and deliver the cargo.

With companies having to facilitate ever greater credit exposures in today’s competitive and volatile markets, the need for Business Information Reports has become an essential tool to making business decisions with confidence.

Dynamar researches, evaluates and writes reports on the same type of companies who are also our main clients. They derive from all sectors of the maritime industry and other transportation segments, and include among others:

  • Bunker Suppliers
  • Credit Insurers
  • Freight Forwarders
  • Insurance Companies
  • Logistic Services Providers
  • Railroad Operators
  • Shipbrokers
  • Terminal Operators
  • Bunker Traders
  • Container Lessors
  • Government Institutions
  • Lawyers
  • Oil Companies
  • Ship Agents
  • Shipyards
  • Trading Houses
  • Charterers
  • Financial Institutions
  • Industrial Companies
  • Liner Shipping Companies
  • Port Authorities
  • Ship Chandlers
  • Stevedores
  • Trucking Companies

Dynamar is known for the simplicity and effectiveness of its rating system. We rate the trade risk of a company on a scale of 1 (low risk) to 10 (high).

Additionally for the petroleum industry we correspond our rating to an advised trade limit applicable to that particular rating.

Dynamar’s standard Business Information Reports are more than “just” that.

They give invaluable insight into a company’s background, its activities and the market(s) in which it is operating.

Furthermore, Dynamar offers a number of Business information Report-related products, including:

Constant Monitoring
– Early warning; continuous updates of a liner shipping company’s performance

Executive Reports
– For medium to long-term business relationships and/or large credit exposures

Rating Watch
– Immediate reporting of Dynamar Rating changes

Please contact us should you require more information on any of these products – phone us at +31 72 514 7400 or send us an e-mail.

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